“The purpose of seminary is to help students understand and rely upon the teachings and Atonement of Jesus Christ, qualify for the blessings of the temple, and prepare themselves, their families, and others for eternal life with their Father in Heaven” (see Gospel Teaching and Learning: A Handbook for Teachers and Leaders in Seminaries and Institutes of Religion [2012]).
Hi. Wanted to make sure you were all aware that we do not have Seminary Monday & Tuesday this week due to school holidays. If you need a copy of the Pacing Guide, let me know & I am happy to send it out again.
We will begin Seminary registration for next year in a few weeks. Everyone that is planning on attending Seminary 2022-2023 needs to register. By registering early, this will help us determine how many classes we need and how many teachers.
Save the Date: Seminary Graduation will be Sunday 5/22/22. More details to come. Remember, for your child/ren to graduate seminary, they need to have received credit for each semester. You can review their progress on the Seminary App. It is the responsibility of each student to make sure their makeup work has been turned in. This will also include reading and the assessment given at the end of each semester. If you have any questions, please ask. We do not want any surprises at graduation. Only students graduating will be recognized on 5/22.
Enjoy your long weekend. Next days off will be Spring Break March 14-17. This would be a great time to catch up on any make up work.
Also, we will be following our Stakes guidelines for masks. Your child/ren are no longer encouraged to wear masks during Seminary. Of course, if they would like to continue to wear them, that is fine too.
Sister Torres
Find Tara Torres in LDS Tools
Stake Seminary Supervisor